Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pursuit Of Happiness.

There is always a time when people you know need to shut their mouths and listen for a second, right? I mean, I guarantee you've felt this way before. If you haven't it will happen and this is a warning and a promise, not something to doubt. 

Well. Learn it, Live it and  Love it, Life is what it is... 
If you don't believe in yourself, life will grab you by the throat and choke you to death. And then you can bet there will be two people there. One to laugh at you because they wanted you to fall on your face, and the other to cry because they really tried to help you because they care. 

When you're done reading this at least one of three things will happen. 
1. This may change the way you look at life, and everything around you. Other words can definitely influence you, whether they are bad or good. 
2. You may think I'm full of crap and you don't have the first clue to what I'm talking about. Well, that's fine with me, but you'll eventually find out, I WAS RIGHT.
3. You will have your own perception on my thoughts and take them and do what you want with them. Either spread them, and help people live life to the fullest, or continue trying to be the bad influence of the group. (That is, if you agree with what I'm saying, of course)

If you do take the time to read this, then you obviously are very interested in seeing what others have to say, which means you are one step closer to being a better person than most people. 

Never take your family for granted, they are the only people that will ever love you unconditionally. There are many cases where people do not have the best relationship with their parents and siblings as they could. Do you think that doesn't upset them, well let me tell you, I know for myself. People say things that doesn't bother them about their family, but you'll never know the person really feels unless they tell you, cause so many people can cover things up very well, because they don't want anyone's sympathy. 
Most broken relationships in your family can be fixed,  if you feel it can. Then fix it!! You only have one family, and once their gone, there may be no one else there to comfort you, be there when you need them or help you when you're in the deepest hole you've ever dug.. 

Are people to be cherished and never taken for granted because a friend is someone that chooses to come into your life and care about you, and be there for you. The reason they shouldn't be taken for granted is they could leave at anytime they wanted to. They don't have to talk to you, they don't have to care about you and they definitely don't have to be nice to you. They choose to have a friendship with you because most people like to have a bunch of friends. No matter how many friends you say you have, or how many names you can count off to someone. If you sat down and took the time to see which one's never lied to you, never disappointed you, and were always there to believe in you. You'll be able to count them on one hand, sad fact, but it's a very true one. Friends are to be chosen wisely and not with any leisure. You definitely don't want to put your trust in someone and then not be who they say they are. That can cause a lot of hurt for a person.. 

Speaking of someone not being who they say they are.. Relationships are something to be serious about, not something to play around with. Because you should never play with a persons heart or emotions, especially their trust. Everyone messes up, we are only human.. But it's definitely not necessary to keep doing it over and over again. "Everyone deserves a second chance" That's bullcrap because sometimes people really aren't sorry, they really don't care and their only going to do it again. Don't believe everything you hear, because half of it may be just a big huge fat lie. Some people can't stand the thought of trusting others due to what others have done, I know some people that think you shouldn't let other people affect you that badly but sometimes it's not all easy to do, but very easy to say. Once you're heart has truely been broken, you'll know. 70% of people who say they have had their heart broke, have only had a serious emotional breakdown. Something's that cause real heartbreak is losing a loved one, or a dear friend. Not someone breaking up with you after 2 weeks. Get serious about things. Some people do this just for attention, well all it is, is negative attention. Some naive people think girls are the only ones that ever get hurt, that's not the truth. Guys have hearts too and their feelings can be hurt just as bad as their's.. 

Any person on the face of this earth can be taken away from you in the blink of an eye, no matter the situation, whether it'll be something as simple as a move, or something as tragic as a death. 

Well, thats enough about OTHER people, it's not being self-centered but you should think about yourself sometimes.. 

Trust - 
You don't have to give anyone your trust, you can make them earn it, or you can take it away when they give you the reason. Everyone deserves ONE chance to show you their worth it, that they are really worth calling them your friend. 

Sympathy - 
having sympathy is a great thing. When you can have sympathy for another person, you're in pretty good shape, but be careful they could be setting you up to fail. Don't think this about every living soul but just be cautious with some. You, as a person and a human being know when someone is just no good, It's your intuition, your gut feeling. Believe in yourself and your thoughts. 

Happiness - 
Your happiness should be one of the top 5 things on you're "must do" list. You're happiness is just as important as eating everyday. If you're not happy, then most of the time, no one around you is. You're mood can rub off on people, very quickly and very easily.. If you're doing something to make someone else happy, but you know that it's no good for you, then don't do it. I can understand doing some things to make others happy. We ALL know what it's like to care for another person so much, that their happiness is all you care about but always be careful doing such things. If it's not healthy for you, or it messes with your head, then by all means do not ever feel obligated to do it. People can't hurt you unless you let them hurt you. 

THE BASIC POINT - was take no person, or luxary for granted cause they can be taken away! Treat people as you wish to be treated and if you really just can't do that then it's best you don't associate yourself with them. In fact N E V E R involve yourself with someone or something you don't want to be involved with, cause sometimes it's just not worth it. 



  1. Randa, you are amazing. I think I've summed up everything I need to tell you in that previous sentence.

  2. Aw, that means a lot coming from you Terry. :)
