Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poems written on a boring day.

So, I'm not going to talk much because basically I have nothing interesting to say.

I had a boring Saturday, went to the swimming pool earlier today with my baby brother, so that was fun.

But, through out the day, I did nothing but home work, chores, and then I decided to write a few poems. I'll share the one I wrote for my Best friends. yeah; I know it totally sucks, but that's how I feel towards them. <333


You'll be there for me
through the good times and bad
I know I can count on you
to be there when I'm sad

Life without you
just wouldn't be right
I wouldn't be able to get through each day
and sleep through each night

When I've had a bad day
I know that you're only a call away
When life takes that crazy turn
You are always there to help me learn

If we stay in touch
We'll be together till the end
Even when we're old and gray
You'll be here still, to be my best friend.

And then, I decided to write a depressing love poem. This one turned out pretty good because it took some time:)

I live in a place where:
No one means what they say,
Love is easily turned to hate,
The truth is the same as a lie,
And as soon as I start to love you,
You wanna say Goodbye.
So, here's to the boy who went
And broke my heart.

I thought you were so perfect.
Truth is, you were never worth it.
I swear, everytime you looked into my eyes,
I fell deeper in love with your lies.
Now, that the truth is finally out,
Don't let the words, "I'm sorry" slip
From your deceived lips.
I guess the hurt is here to stay.
Maybe it'd be better off this way,
Because, you're just like every other guy
Who promised he would stay.
As soon as I get used to your face,
The way your tongue tastes,
Your hugs, and the way it feels
When I brush against your skin,
You fade away.

I've wasted so much time.
Yet, I've never been so intrigued by
A person that was never mine.
You owned the other half of my heart,
The moment you proclaimed you loved me.
You ripped it apart the moment you
Laid a gentle kiss upon her lips.
If I knew this was your type of love,
I would've left, but you had me hypnotized.
I was mesmorized. (spl)

Along the way, I let myself become the prey,
In this sick and twisted love game you play.
Stuck in a maze, I didn't know how to escape.
I let you tatter with the bits and pieces of my
Heart that were left.
I've never been so powerless,
I was under your control.
I would've ended my life if you asked me.

But, I didn't have to.
The way you treated me was enough.
I never thought bliss would feel like a blow.
Not to my head, but my heart and soul.
Then you abandoned me, lost and broken.
From every word you've spoken.
I find it hard to see the truth in someone,
It all just seems like a dry run,
For something better to come.
But who knows?
Maybe I've missed my chance at love.
Maybe I'm too late.
After all, I did think you were my soulmate.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read these boring poems Terry.

Have a good day! 


  1. The poems aren't boring! They're amazing. And according to Sher, I'm not the only one who reads these blogs!

    Also, I'm really behind on reading blogs so I'm sorry I haven't commented on yours yet! But I'm reading them now! But I'm really sorry! It won't happen again! Love ya! And great poems! xx

  2. :) Thank you Terry. You're a sweet heart. And it's all good. xx

  3. Aw, you're the sweetheart! :D
