Wednesday, April 27, 2011

At My Grandparent's! (too)

Hi there, I'm sorry this blog is going to be really boring and not one topic I'll talk about will catch you're attention....
It's just, I'm kinda in a hurry because my mom will come pick me up from my grand parent's place in 10 minutes, and I don't think I'll be able to blog anytime later.

So... yeah.... I woke up, I got dressed, then I went to school. Then I got back home. Interesting right? That's what I do everyday. Been going for almost a year now...
Oh, the joy of being in school.

It's useless. I mean, I kind of agree with my friend Terry and her mom there. Why would I study something I don't prefer then studying something I really do like ONLINE....

It's ridiculous what life does sometimes.

But you gotta learn it, live it, and freaking love it. Regardless of how much it sucks sometimes.
Oh, hey... I just got a letter from S.P.A.R.E today, which is basically a society for the protection of Animals in Egypt...and the letter said; they're doing well these days, and that my family and I helped a lot with donations and stuff like that. So I guess that made my day. :)

And, if any of you would like to donate anything too, just click the link. Right there^
You don't have to though, but it would be nice to help these defenseless animals. :)

P.S I'm sorry I stole your title Terry, I was too lazy to come up with one myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I have no problem with you 'stealing' my title!

    And I'm glad you agree with me!

    SPARE is awesome. =D xx
