Sunday, April 17, 2011

Facebook, you've ruined us all.

This weekend has totally been a pain on my neck practically because I've been studying many subjects and barely having time to do anything.

So, I'd just like to point out something about Facebook...

I love how people try to be real, and try to "say it like it is."
It's not just what you say, it is how you say it.
But what I love the most, is how people think being real is being the best on a social networking website.
You've broken off the ways of communication.
Letters, phones, and even in person.
It's all about the number between the two parentheses in the bottom right-hand corner.
I miss seeing an envelope adressed to me.
I miss people saying, I'll call you later. Now everyone says, I'll send you an inbox.
And where did peoples names go?
*******Imsocool*******, *********Fre$hB0y******, and *******SexyGurl****, what is wrong with you?
If you were so cool, you wouldn't need to put that in your name because people would already know that you are cool, so you are obviously trying to convince someone. And Fre$hB0y? Shouldn't you be on a date with SexyGurl? Wait no, you are too busy clicking your mouse and trying to figure out which relationship status to comment on next.
Thank you so much for tagging people in these pictures of your lips puckered up Really love that picture. Why take so many pictures of yourself? Do you really think that people will sit down and click 4,543 times just to look at your face over and over again? No one really cares.
Why do people believe that whoever has 223,433 friends on facebook is the most popular? You aren't popular, I'm sorry. You are just anticipating the next like green man on your screen. You can't WAIT to click accept.
Facebook? What have you done to the world?
Why can't we go to the pet store and buy some cute animal, rather than making a fake one on here?
Why can't we call our grandparents and go to their farm, instead of wasting time creating an imaginary one?
You've hypnotized us.
We are all conformists.
And you are probably thinking to yourself, for those of you that are reading this, if you feel so strongly about this subject then why are you on facebook?
I could blame it on an addiction, but the truth is, we all know that these things matter to us.
Nermeen, I respect you for not having a facebook, although you will never see this.
So as I stare at this blue and white world, I think I must pull myself from this illusion and go work on something that matters.
Facebook, you've ruined me.
You've ruined my friends.
You've ruined my teachers!
So thank you for that, thank you for everything you've done for me.
In other words, thank you for nothing.


  1. Wait, so I'm ruined? :(

    Haha, I found this so funny cause it's true. X

  2. You're not THAT addicted to FB though. :P
    IKR? xx
